Ratchet & Clank Fan Fiction


DarkRatchet was a clone created by Otto Destruct but soon after his defeat, somehow the Clones have gotten a hold of the very same device Otto used to turn himself life sized. The renegade clones were known to be aggressive and foul tempered. So they were soon captured and destroyed on a facility on planet Fractis in Kavorian galaxy by a lombax named Rowe a.k.a Angela who has lost her memory from the escape she made in Max Apogee's ship from Tachyon.

This darker counter part of Ratchet was captured and tortured by three sinister Cragmite brothers, one being the Cragmite ambassador of Reepor, known as Yendil. His brothers were Jonen the more smarter and smaller Cragmite brother. Grak the more stupider, impatient, and aggressive brother. And Yendil the biggest, badest, and most dangerous of the three. DarkRatchet looks exactly like Ratchet except he has crimson eyes and black stripes. He also is slightly different than the average clone and is less aggressive than the most of the clones, but he acts like a bad boy but he means good and has amnesia.

Please no editing yet, this is from my fanfiction and I already have a picture of DarkRatchet which is carefully done

RoboticMasterMind 08:58, September 2, 2010 (UTC)RoboticMasterMind
